Zimit Framework

Awesome, solid, responsive and complete front-end prototyping framework for web-developers
Fork me on GitHub

Zimit is updated to 0.9.9

What is Zimit?

Zimit is an open source project created by Jorge Garrido also known as FireZenk,

with the intention of providing a robust and comprehensive basis for rapid prototyping of responsive web pages.

Unified style

The framework is designed to create a uniform and unified styled interface.

Each component follows a generic and pleasant style, resulting in a lightweight and user-friendly web interface.

LESS based

With unique features and functions of LEES, Zimit is a modular and scalable framework.

LESS also helps make readable code and easily customizable.


Built with the idea of creating a robust base for a complete and uniform prototyping framework for HTML5 websites, Zimit provides a complete design skeleton and a suite of components fully stylized.


Zimit is built based on the modularity provided by CSS3 and enhanced by LESS.

Thanks to this, Zimit be compiled using all or part of the modules, so it can be: since only a simple pattern to a complete solution.


As open source framework, Zimit is waiting to see your valuable contributions.

Feel free to make a fork of the project on Github and contribute to this great project.

chrome ie firefox opera safari
Browser Support

Zimit Framework is tested and supported in major modern browsers like:

Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Light weight

The compiled and minified file: 84kb!

Optionally you can extend the framework with the awesome set of typographic icons.


And as one would expect for a HTML5 framework is full responsive!

Try it yourself!